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Do You Know How to EAT Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Do You Know How to EAT Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Content has been king since the earliest days of Alta Vista and Ask Jeeves. We didn’t phrase things the same way back in the 1990s, but we still knew that the internet was a place to find information. It was a place for content. Not much has changed over the last two decades in terms of what constitutes good content. And according to Google, good content is EAT content.

Do you know how to EAT your own content marketing strategy? Once you know what the acronym stands for, it is not hard. Just know that Google came up with the acronym. It must be important to them.

‘EAT’ stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness – the three most important components of any piece of content. Nail all three and you have something worth consuming. You also have something Google will reward.

1. Expertise

When you are conversing with someone in hopes of learning information you don’t know, you’re hoping that person knows what they are talking about. If that person is just rambling on and not saying anything of any substance, you are going to move along. You want expertise. You do not want generalities. You don’t want information that has nothing to do with what you want to know.

It turns out that Google is the same way. Google algorithms are designed in such a way as to recognize quality information presented from an expert’s point of view. They want content that says something. They want to be able to give their users results from pages they can actually use.

Webtek Digital Marketing, a Salt Lake City firm that specializes in SEO services like content marketing, says that Google puts a lot of emphasis on detailed information. Posts that are too generic also tend to lack any sort of uniqueness that Google would desire to reward. Therefore, expertise is important.

2. Authority

Webtek says that authority and expertise are often confused in the content marketing world. There is some overlap between the two, but the principles are distinct in many ways. In a nutshell, authority is a demonstration of expertise.

When another website links to your content, it shows Google that the maintainer of that website trusts yours as a source of authority. If that other site is seen as authoritative by Google, your site’s authority is boosted.

Authority is absolutely necessary for brands. Therefore, your content should be designed in such a way as to encourage other sites to link to it. The more quality sites linking to your content, the more authority your site has.

3. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is the final piece of the puzzle. Establishing trustworthiness is all about being honest, upfront, and transparent. It is about making sure your content reflects your organization, its expertise, its core mission and vision, its ideals, etc.

Think of trustworthiness this way: if your website were a person, would other people trust it enough to interact with it on a regular basis? If not, you have a serious problem that needs to be overcome.

People should be able to trust the content you produce. They should be able to consume it without worries that you’re trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Although it is harder for Google to rank for this particular aspect, they do keep their eyes and ears open. Content that appears untrustworthy doesn’t sit well with the search engine giant.

Yes, the quality of your website content matters. In addition to keyword research and content length, pay attention to Google’s EAT principle. Doing so will result in better content Google can reward.

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