
Employment in logistics and transport

Employment in logistics and transport

Logistics and transport have a great weight in most developed countries. As they are essential for the economic functioning of the country, their participation in employment and in macroeconomic figures is also noticeable. Adecco has recently published a study on employment in the sector and we are going to review the highlights of it.

Employment data in logistics and transport

What are the most relevant employment data in a sector that accounts for 10% of Spanish GDP and that moves more than 500 million shipments a year? Regarding billing, the data from the Community of Madrid stands out, since it accumulates 80% of the billing of the entire country (which does not mean that 80% of transport occurs there). In addition, 11 of the 14 largest companies in the sector and 30% of the courier and parcel companies are also located in Madrid.
Which profiles are the most requested in logistics and transport

The consultant’s report predicts that 2021 will be a year of growth for the sector. Which will lead to an increase in the demand for personnel for it. Despite the unemployment figures, logistics operators say they have difficulties finding qualified personnel for different jobs.

In the first place among the most demanded appears that of warehouse worker, followed by others such as forklift driver, stock manager, warehouse manager and delivery man. The waiters, according to the report, would occupy 31.5% of the job offers and the remuneration would move between 15,000 and 17,000 euros per year.

Once again Madrid appears in the lead, together with Catalonia, each one of them with 30% of the offers for this type of candidate. Followed, already at a notable distance, by the Valencian Community (10%) and Andalusia (9%).

Forklift drivers are also one of the most demanded, reaching 12% of the total offers. In this case, their salary is similar to that of warehouse workers, with an average of 16,775 euros. To find higher salaries we have to go to positions such as warehouse manager. According to the study, these start from 19,000 euros, reach an average of 27,000 euros and reach up to 36,000 euros when they have more than ten years of experience.
The influence of electronic commerce

The development of electronic commerce is also influencing what types of profiles are sought in logistics and transport. Here the manipulators make an appearance, who are at the lowest salary end: around 14,000 euros. The operation of electronic commerce, despite advances in automation, requires the presence of many people dedicated to order preparation.
Higher wages in export and import

All the necessary details for the export and import of merchandise require specific training that is highly appreciated in the sector and that, in addition, is reflected in the payroll of its workers. For this reason, the salary range for import and export technicians moves between 23,000 and 28,000 euros per year. Here the position of Catalonia stands out, which with its entry position to Europe covers 50% of this type of offers.

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