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From Cuenca to Guipúzcoa: how much does it cost to buy a home in Spain?

If you live in Madrid or Barcelona and want to buy a home, you will already know that prices in those cities are skyrocketing: a decent apartment will cost you around 300,000 euros or more in many neighborhoods. However, the situation is very different in the provinces of emptied Spain, where you can buy a good-sized property for less than 100,000 euros.

Noting these differences, from HelpMyCash we wanted to develop a kind of map to show you how much it costs to buy a home in all the provinces of Spain. In this article you will see what is the average price of a flat or house of 80 square meters in each province, taxes included, and you will discover why in certain areas real estate is so expensive and why they are so cheap in others.

To calculate how much it costs to buy a house of 80 square meters in each province we have consulted the average price per square meter provided by the College of Registrars of Spain (the data are from the third quarter of 2022, the latest available). We have also taken into account the taxes charged in each autonomous community in case of acquiring a new or second-hand property.

Average price per province of a new apartment of 80 square meters

Let’s say, for example, that what you want to buy is a new house of 80 square meters. The provinces in which the operation would cost you more money, on average, are Guipúzcoa, the Balearic Islands and Vizcaya. On the other hand, in which you would pay less are Cuenca, Ciudad Real and Jaén. Here we leave you the complete table with the prices of all the regions, ordered from highest to lowest:

Province Average property price of 80 m2 (with taxes)
Guipúzcoa 309,312€
Balearic 293,825€
Biscay 285,620€
Madrid 267,838€
Barcelona 257,342€
Malaga 237,256€
Alava 235,321€
Girona 200,254€
Alicante 187,231€
Navarre 186,524€
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 181,202€
Tarragona 180,452€
Saragossa 178,400€
Huesca 166,626€
Cantabria 160,560€
Pontevedra 158,330€
Valence 152,354€
Cáceres 150,302€
Cadiz 149,275€
Las Palmas 148,522€
Valladolid 147,002€
Burgos 139,509€
Seville 131,127€
A Coruña 130,232€
Asturias 129,437€
Segovia 128,894€
Soria 127,110€
Huelva 126,323€
Salamanca 125,148€
Almeria 121,075€
Lion 120,420€
Albacete 118,993€
Lleida 118,904€
Castellón (Spain) 118,368€
Guadalajara 111,946€
La Rioja  109.579€
Grenade 109,154€
Palencia 106,148€
Córdoba 105,773€
Teruel 100,350€
Murcia 99,012€
Lugo 93,125€
Badajoz 84,294€
Orense 81,440€
Zamora 77,604€
Toledo 71,271€
Avila 71,092€
Jaén (Spain) 70,723€
Ciudad Real 63,867€
Basin 39,516€

Source: own elaboration with data from the College of Registrars of Spain and the web pages of the Autonomous Communities.

Average price per province of a used apartment or house of 80 square meters

If you are looking for a second-hand house or apartment of 80 square meters, the provinces in which you would pay more money are Guipúzcoa, Madrid and the Balearic Islands. On the contrary, the cheapest are Ciudad Real, Teruel and Cuenca. You can check it in this table, in which we show the prices by province ordered by wholesale to lowest:

Province Average property price of 80 m2 (with taxes)
Guipúzcoa 278,554€
Madrid 277,890€
Balearic 262,570€
Barcelona 241,648€
Biscay 224,058€
Las Palmas 218,794€
Malaga 197,822€
Girona 191,928€
Alava 189,363€
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 186,673€
Cantabria 149,864€
Pontevedra 147,106€
Navarre 143,990€
Alicante 137,368€
Tarragona 135,784€
Saragossa 134,611€
A Coruña 126,091€
Huesca 123,898€
Seville 121,466€
Cadiz 119,754€
Valence 112,288€
Valladolid 111,974€
Asturias 109,642€
La Rioja 109,568€
Salamanca 108,000€
Lleida 107,536€
Burgos 106,877€
Huelva 105,887€
Grenade 102,378€
Almeria 98,526€
Guadalajara 98,449€
Castellón (Spain) 97,152€
Murcia 94,522€
Córdoba 91,506€
Segovia 88,387€
Lugo 87,287€
Palencia 79,920€
Orense 78,916€
Soria 76,896€
Lion 76,810€
Albacete 76,736€
Toledo 74,207€
Zamora 73,872€
Cáceres 69,811€
Avila 66,528€
Badajoz 65,146€
Jaén (Spain) 61,889€
Basin 61,476€
Teruel 55,037€
Ciudad Real 52,494€

Source: own elaboration with data from the College of Registrars of Spain and the web pages of the Autonomous Communities.

Madrid vs. Barcelona: where is it more expensive to buy a property?

In the tables it is quite clear, but it is worth dedicating a separate chapter to the provinces of Madrid and Barcelona, given their economic importance and their large population. On average, a new home of 80 square meters costs 4% more in the capital of Spain and surroundings than in the province of Barcelona. A second-hand one is also more expensive in Madrid: 15% more.

This difference is striking, since in the Community of Madrid much less taxes are charged than in the province of Barcelona. To give you an idea, this is what you have to pay in taxes in each region:

New housing Used housing
Madrid VAT of 10% + IAJD of 0.75% 6% ITP
Barcelona VAT of 10% + IAJD of 1.50% 10% ITP

Source: official websites of the Community of Madrid and Catalonia

The price of housing, however, is significantly higher in the province of Madrid, which means that the total bill for buying a house or a flat is higher than in Barcelona. This higher cost can be explained by Madrid’s higher population density (which limits supply and increases demand), by its higher average income and by the attraction of investments generated by the capital effect and tax incentives.

Why does it cost so much more to buy a home in urban and tourist areas?

And now comes the million-dollar question: why does it cost so much money to buy a flat or a house in areas such as the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands or Madrid and so little in regions of emptied Spain such as the Castillas or northern Andalusia? For example, a new house of 80 square meters costs up to seven times more in Guipúzcoa than in Cuenca; an abysmal difference.

From HelpMyCash we believe that it is due, in large part, to the following:

  • To the economic situation of each province. Rent in Guipúzcoa, Barcelona or Navarra, for example, is higher than in the regions of Emptied Spain. Therefore, it makes sense that it is more expensive to buy a home there, since its inhabitants can pay higher prices and there is more room for them to rise.
  • To population density. For example, in the province of Madrid more than six million people live in a smaller area than Ciudad Real, whose number of inhabitants does not reach 500,000. This causes, among other things, that there is much more demand in the region of the capital of Spain, which explains, in part, that there prices are much higher.
  • To the tourist potential. The demand in provinces such as the Balearic Islands, Malaga or Alicante is very high, because there are many people (national and foreign) interested in residing in these regions during holiday periods or on a regular basis. It is normal, therefore, that prices in these areas are higher than in others with less tourism.

Wherever you’re from, find the best mortgage with HelpMyCash

Whatever the province in which you want to settle, from HelpMyCash we can help you get the best mortgage to buy your future home. If you want to know which banks offer the most attractive conditions, you can take a look at our ranking, where you will find the cheapest mortgage loans at fixed, variable and mixed rates:

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