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How to hire pallet transport agencies

How to hire pallet transport agencies

The Spanish logistics sector, and especially as regards road transport, is often said to be highly fragmented. This means that there are a large number of companies that work on it. This automatically translates into a large number of options from which companies that ship merchandise can choose. So that this process goes as smoothly as possible, we are going to discuss some tips on how to hire pallet transport agencies.

Four points to take into account when hiring pallet transport agencies

know what you need

As the Temple of Apollo in Delphi says, “know yourself” is an essential recipe for success in the adventure of choosing a transport provider. You must be very clear about your needs to be able to transfer them to your potential suppliers. Do you need deliveries at special times? Very delicate merchandise or merchandise that must be insured at all risks? Do they have measurements or weights outside the most common standards? Do you require a physical return of the delivery notes?

You should not take aspects of this type for granted; On the contrary, you must be very meticulous when listing the requirements that are essential for you to set yourself on the path that will lead you to a good result.

Know your services

We can see this point as the continuation of the previous one. In your conversation with logistics operators you have to investigate and find out the type of services they can offer you, to match it with your needs. The transport of pallets can go from the loose pallet of the national express pallet shop to the international full load transport. You may need all of them or just a part, and they will all have their own characteristics.

In the different services you need to know aspects such as transit times, sizes and weights allowed, the characteristics of merchandise insurance, general deliveries and collections (use or availability of vehicles with a hatch, if the deliveries are exclusively in places with paved access, etc.), if it is transporting exclusively general merchandise, if it has temperature control…


A good way to ensure the solvency of pallet transport agencies is to check their experience. Although it is not something definitive, it is to be expected that a logistics operator with decades of experience has reached this point thanks to providing a quality service to its customers. At Transgesa, our more than 30 years of experience have helped us to improve, renew and add services to our portfolio.

Gather information about pallet transport agencies

As we have seen, experience is a degree. But we will do well to continue looking for information that supports the company to which we are going to entrust something as important as our merchandise shipments. One way to do this is by looking for recognition that these companies have been able to obtain for their performance.

Transgesa forms part of the PBX network in express pallet transport, which has been fortunate to be recognized on several occasions for its work in the sector. Among the most recent is the ’10 Award for Excellence in Logistics and Transportation’, awarded by the Supply Chain communication medium. And one of the ones that have made us most excited, both for who awards it -the prestigious Forbes magazine- and for the reason, being one of the “75 best companies to work for in Spain”.

This type of recognition will also help you to be calmer knowing that you are in good hands.

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