
There is no reason to hire carriers in Spain if you are not doing it right

There is no reason to hire carriers in Spain if you are not doing it right

Hiring carriers in Spain can be an arduous task. Not only because of the large number of companies in the sector, but because -if we want to do it well- there are numerous questions to which we have to find answers. Although the list could be almost infinite, we are going to start with four basic aspects. The first steps when outsourcing your logistics.

How to subcontract carriers in Spain
Do you need to do it?

First of all, you have to ask yourself something as simple as if you need to do it. Because the answer itself will help you discover how to do it. A typical case is that of new e-commerce businesses that have very little movement when starting out.

It may be that in their first steps they can take care of preparing orders and storing their products. But if the business works, sooner rather than later those tasks that were taking up little time will start to eat up too many hours and it will be necessary to outsource shipping and/or order fulfillment.

Another archetypal case is the company that has a fleet of vehicles that handles its own transportation. In this case, the question is whether you are going to be able to be more efficient than outsourcing would be. Sometimes there is a tendency to underestimate the costs of a fleet -even when it is a single vehicle-.

Manage your business

There are companies for which logistics, even outsourced, represents a vital point of its operation. There are others, however, in which it can play a less important role. In any case, to get it right when choosing carriers in Spain, you will have to do a posteriori follow-up, a real management of your business.

The most common thing is to establish performance indicators, not only for your logistics, but also for the rest of the company‘s operations. We have already talked several times about this type of indicators on the blog, so it is best that we leave you a link to one of those articles.

Why change carriers in Spain?

In the first section we asked ourselves in which cases we have to subcontract our logistics or our transport. Now we want to reflect on the change from one operator to another. One of the first things we must do is see why we want to change. It may be that we are looking for a service that we did not have (whether by destination, by type of merchandise, by delivery time), by needing better customer service, by proximity or distance to our company or our clients… In any case, it is It is important to know what we are looking for in order to find it. Otherwise, it is possible that we end up seduced by the virtues of an operator that are not what we really needed.

How do I know what I’m saving?

The most frequent thing when assessing the logistics costs of a company is to see how much the logistics provider invoice amounts to at the end of the month. Following this logic, the mere comparison between the rates of the providers will tell us how much we can save by switching from one provider to another.

But this is a major bug that doesn’t account for savings that don’t show up in a utility fee. How much time have we saved with customer complaints? How much more time have we been able to dedicate to our business? And, last and most important: how much is a lost customer worth?

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