A company could manufacture the best detergent/car/watch/drink on the market that, if it does not have an adequate way of getting it to its customers, its efforts would be in vain. Business logistics is what happens between production and the market; and that is where logistics operators have to do our magic.
What is business logistics dedicated to?
The definition of the most classic business logistics would be the task of delivering the right product, in the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. We could say that this is the ABC of logistics, but around it there is a wide variety of additional services that make up an offer that provides differential value to the shipping company.
What other things business logistics does
Information management
The day-to-day business logistics produces a huge amount of information. Shipment status, stock quantities, expected delivery dates, references, performance indicators… Raw data hardly means anything, but knowing how to use and interpret it is what brings it to life.
A transparent supply chain is one in which information flows and in which it is easy to check the state of the elements that make it up.
Companies search for their customers by land, sea and air. In this bombardment, intended for the customer to have all the facilities to be able to buy when and how they want (especially with the arrival of the online world), they need to have the support of a logistics system that can meet the challenge.
For a multi-channel reality, it is most likely that the logistics operator has to be able to deliver with the same fluidity in large establishments, to small individuals, from the package to the full load, etc.
Flexibility in the face of complexity
Closely related to the previous point, transport companies need to be increasingly flexible. The needs of customers are more heterogeneous every day. Fewer and fewer have only a single type of shipment to a single type of recipient or a single delivery location.
The needs are also growing in the variety of delivery schedules, complementary services such as palletizing and depalletizing, etc. And, at the same time, more and more customers value being able to count on a single logistics provider that can provide a response to the full range of services they may need.