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Discover the Future of Trading

In the business of finance, it is very important to stay ahead of the competition

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Slowly, but surely: variable mortgages continue to gain ground on fixed mortgages.

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has published today its Mortgage Statistics, which collects the

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Does the fixed mortgage resurface? More offers in March and rate cuts

Over the past year, banks have declared war on fixed mortgages. As the Euribor has risen

Analysis, Aplikasi Digital Finance, Bank and Digital Finance Inclusion, Banking and Investment, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Business Opportunities, Business Service, Concumer Finance, Economic, Financial, Financial Service, Industries, Insurance, Market, News, Stock Market, Trading and Forex
Why you can rejoice in the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank if you have a variable mortgage

There is no evil that does not come for good. Believe it or not, even