The coronavirus has changed the daily lives of millions of citizens around the world. Among those big changes is that of lots of people who, from one day to the next, have gone to telework instead of going to their offices or their factories. The need to reduce physical contacts recommends this type of solution for the good of all.
Our blog has also adapted to this new reality. It is already the second week that we dedicate our blog to issues related to the pandemic that has the planet in suspense. To help those of you who have eatenFour tips to better carry out teleworking
create new routines
We tend to hear the word routine with a pejorative undertone. However, routines have positive aspects, related to organizing our days and giving them a feeling of stability and consistency. The routine of going to work usually includes getting up at a certain time, washing up, having breakfast, getting dressed for work, etc.
These are things that have always gone unnoticed and taken for granted. But they are highly recommended to keep when we go to teleworking. It is very easy to be tempted to get up a little later because we are going to make up for time by starting to work in our pajamas, not having to clean ourselves as if we were going to travel by subway, etc.
Continue to listen to your alarm clock and act as if you were going to go to work as usual. Working in your pajamas may seem like a dream, but it is the first step to end up having problems with teleworking.
Create a workplace
Here it is very important to be aware that not all people will have the same facilities for this. Of course, not all houses can afford to have an office reserved for work. And even less two, if both parents have to telework. But within the possibilities of each one, it is important to make the corner as professional and isolated from the rest of the things that we can afford.
At the other extreme are those who directly try to telework from the sofa with the TV on. It may seem harmless, but it is far from it.
Separate places and hours in teleworking
If you put together the two previous tips, you will see that it is very important to separate home and work as much as possible. Not only physically, but mentally separating them as well. If your work schedule is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., it is just as important that you be at your job at seven p.m. as it is that you can end your day at 3 p.m.
Another mistake that many experts warn against is leaving things to do later, even after dinner, because “we have work at home.” Putting in those few hours at the end of the day, instead of sticking to your schedule, will eventually give you the impression that you’re never really resting, but that you’re always really working.
Changing places at the end of the day is also important. Today our home computer is an almost infinite window to the world and hours and hours of entertainment. This can lead to the fact that at the end of our schedule we want to start with some leisure that is also done from the same PC and the same chair. We recommend that when you finish at least spend some time with a hobby that is in another part of the house.
Sedentary life
In Spain it is currently prohibited for people to go out to run or do other sports. In addition, the mere fact of going to work already accounted for a large part of the little physical movement they did during the day. That is why it is now even more important to try not to have a sedentary life, despite the existing restrictions.
Internet puts at our disposal a quantity of information to find basic exercises to have at least enough physical activity, without having to previously build a small gym at home.
In short, if we had to summarize the advice most cited by experts, they are: maintain our activity prior to teleworking as much as possible –physical activity, routines, schedules- and separate work and normal life -also in schedules, in the spaces and when we are teleworking and when we are out of work-.zaced with teleworking, we metaphorically park the trucks and bring you a series of tips that can make this transition easier for you.