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Human Resource Management and Culture

Human Resource Management and Culture

One of the characteristics of non-profit organizations is that they are more labor-intensive than capital-intensive. This emphasizes the importance of human resource management in non-profit organizations. What’s more, non-profit organizations often compete with companies with business motives, so the recruitment strategy must be right, because non-profit organizations will depend very much on the quality of the volunteers in it. There are three ways of incentives that can be used by a company in attracting employees to work in the company, namely using the salary aspect, benefits , as well as non-salary aspects.

For non-profit organizations, the first two aspects, salary and benefits , will be very difficult to do, so non-profit organizations will rely heavily on the non-salary aspect to be able to attract the right employees to work for the organization. Non-profit organizations must be able to selectively select prospective workers based on non-financial factors and use a value-equal approach from prospective workers and non-profit organizations. 15 The thing that must also be considered in managing human resources in non-profit organizations is the way non-profit organizations get their workers.

Given one of the characteristics of a non-profit organization that does not distribute its income to its members or employees, non-profit organizations must find ways to get the workforce needed. Barker (1993) introduced three basic motivational factors for a person to become a volunteer, namely altruistic, instrumental, and obligation factors. Someone wants to volunteer because of a desire to help the organization or to gain experience. What is important in this case is the similarity of values ​​between workers and the organization that will employ them. When non-profit organizations are looking for workers, prospective workers who have similar values ​​and goals will be more likely to apply for the job offered. this is an important function of the management of nonprofit organizations, namely finding ways to match the talents and needs of workers with the needs of the organization.

In addition, the management of the organization must also be able to attract and retain workers. These two things become important in the process of managing volunteers who work for a non-profit organization. Overall, the same treatment with business companies will not be appropriate for companies engaged in the non-profit sector, because one of the characteristics of non-profit organizations is that there is no distribution of profits to members or workers of non-profit organizations, so non-profit organizations must be able to provide an incentive system. non-financial to employees who work according to or above the expected expectations.

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