
Why are there truckers?

Why are there truckers?

In recent weeks the news of the lack of carriers in the United Kingdom has traveled the news. This situation has served to underline how indispensable logistics is in our world. And, within it, the link that these carriers make up. Added to the regional problem of Brexit is a global trend. This week we are going to discuss why truckers are missing.

Why are there truckers?

Since the entry into force of Brexit, the shortage of drivers has been noticeable in the United Kingdom. Many of the carriers that brought the products or raw materials to the islands found themselves unable to continue carrying out their usual transits. In this way, little by little they have begun to see empty shelves and queues at service stations.

Transport companies have also reacted to this scenario. The images of huge queues of lorries trying to reach the United Kingdom have caused a good number of carriers to have qualms about shipping to this destination. The bureaucratic complexities or the fear of being trapped – or simply delayed – mean that the possible costs may not cover the expenses or the necessary effort.
What Brexit is not

The lack of truckers is not a phenomenon unique to the UK. There are many countries that are facing this situation, although in their cases it is not aggravated by a phenomenon such as Brexit.

What are the reasons for this shortage? The question is a good occasion to reconnoitre truck drivers. Trained professionals, working long hours and often spending time away from home. Added to hard work is the pressure on labor costs, which is increased by the cohabitation of workers from different countries and who therefore have different salary ranges (which has led to the development of legislation and limits on cabotage).

The world of logistics also has a pending task when it comes to selling to the world. They must be able to transmit the supply chain as a good place to develop professionally, very close to technology in their development and vital for the functioning of the world economy.

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