
Five logistics trends for 2020

Five logistics trends for 2020

If in football there is no small enemy, in logistics there is no inconsequential year. With technology always at the forefront, the world of transportation and distribution is fully immersed in a constant revolution. The Internet is changing our lives, and both in information and in the market itself -with the avalanche of ecommerce-, the needs of logistics and transport operators are transforming. So that you know where these changes come from, we have searched for five of the logistics trends that will mark 2020.

Five logistics trends for 2020
More and more things in the cloud

The cloud, that digital space that each minute houses more information and more programs, will continue to gain prominence. In it, logistics operators, customers and suppliers have found an ideal place to collaborate and share information. Thanks to it, transparency and the ease of working on common and reliable data have increased. The number of hours dedicated to updating equipment, installing programs on each PC, etc., has also decreased. For transport networks it is also a key element for sharing information between delegations.

Green logistics and marketing

As awareness of the climate emergency increases, so do the resources directed at fighting it. And, by the way, companies take the opportunity to bring out that green spirit before the market, as a commercial claim. According to a study by the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, in recent years products marketed as sustainable have grown 5.6 times faster than those that were not. In the same sense, Unilever has ensured that the group’s brands focused on sustainability were responsible for 70% of its income.

Omnichannel normalization

If a few years ago launching into omnichannel seemed like something groundbreaking, in 2020 companies are already faced with the obligation to be omnichannel. The client is already beginning to see it not as an addition, but as something that is taken for granted in companies. Buyers are becoming less tolerant when it comes to assuming that a brand is not going to be able to serve them in the same way and simultaneously from the online store, the telephone service and the neighborhood store.

data is king

Many of the latest technological advances in the world of business -and in logistics- are related to obtaining and analyzing data. Big Data is the big name in this field, but others such as block chain are also strong players, especially due to the reliability and verifiability that it adds to this data. This logistics trend for 2020 will have a particularly marked influence on demand forecasting. In early 2019, Gartner claimed that the prescriptive data analytics market would grow by more than 20% through 2022, while other analytics were even more optimistic.

Flexibility and agility

A good demand analysis is one of the best allies a company can have when it comes to being flexible. But even with the best sales forecast, if you want agile logistics you must guide your supply chain to achieve it. To achieve this, it will not be enough to simply choose the most urgent option from your transport company; You will have to work all the lead time from obtaining raw materials (distance to the consumer and to the manufacturing centers), the design of the product (degree of customization), its manufacture and, finally, its distribution (number and location of warehouses ).

Among the logistics trends for 2020, these are the ones that we believe will be most relevant. But the important thing is, which ones are going to be most important to you?

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