Your transport company is going to be a fundamental part of your own success if you are a company that moves merchandise regularly. The results that you achieve in this collaboration will have a lot to do with the type of relationship that you manage to establish with the logistics operator that is next to you. And for this relationship to be fruitful, mutual knowledge is going to be essential.
To help you in this task, we propose a series of questions that you have to review with your transport company. They are delicate points, which can give rise to headaches, cost overruns, incidents and delivery times. All of them critical points in the world of transport and in the relationship and satisfaction of the end customer.
Three questions for your transportation company
How does the merchandise insurance of your transport company work?
One thing that still surprises many businesses when they first deal with a claim is how cargo insurance works. Especially the limitation on compensation. The conventional transport insurance establishes a limit on the amount of money that will be compensated based on the kilos of the merchandise, and that for the year 2022 is 6.43 euros per kilo (provided that the real value of the merchandise is not lower).
This means that some of the companies that transport merchandise with a value that exceeds this scale opt for the modalities of insurance at all risks or with extended value. The saying goes that we don’t remember Santa Bárbara until it thunders, and although networks like ours have a very low accident rate, when it occurs it is better to keep things clear to avoid scares.
How should the merchandise be prepared?
If the previous point has made you want to do everything possible to avoid claims, one of the best things your company can do is pay attention to how it prepares the merchandise for the transport company. Here we can differentiate two basic points, that you go correctly prepared with respect to your safety and with respect to the measures of your transport company.
For example, regarding your safety, it is essential to keep in mind when transporting pallets the importance of all the merchandise going inside the pallet itself. Everything that protrudes will be susceptible to colliding with the rest of the merchandise that travels in the vehicles.
Regarding the maximum sizes, exceeding them will have consequences such as the generation of cost overruns, delays due to having to adapt the operation or having to find suitable vehicles and even the impossibility of making deliveries when the latter is not possible.
What time can the merchandise be picked up?
An automatism that customers who do not know the operation in detail can fall into is to assume that the merchandise will travel to its destination the same day of collection, regardless of the time at which it is collected. This point is especially important in distribution networks, such as those of PBX and Tipsa, and it becomes more present as we move away from the center of Spain.
In this type of network, the largest and most common point of coordination (although it is common for there to be other intermediate ones) is usually located in Madrid. This means that every night merchandise arrives at this point from distant points and, in the same way, it has to travel to its new destinations. This process means that the carrier must get the shipments to these coordination centers as soon as possible and leave for their destinations as early as possible to start deliveries on time.
For this reason, a collection that is carried out in one day may not connect that same day, because the haulage vehicles have already left for the coordination centers (either the central warehouse or some of the intermediate ones).