The price is just one more of the variables to take into account when shipping. Companies increasingly value aspects such as quality and security of deliveries. But this does not mean that they forget the cost of their logistics. So that you don’t end up paying more for the same thing (or for less!), we are going to review some basic but fundamental concepts to be able to send a cheaper pallet.
Tips to send a cheaper pallet
Know your rate
The fact that the client does not know or is not clear about his rate is much more frequent than some might believe. There are many reasons for this: being a company with few shipments that does not pay too much attention to the rate as it does not involve a significant outlay, having been with the provider for many years and being confident that costs remain relatively stable, having a rate that is too complex that is not understood, etc.
However, these reasons are not sufficient to justify the ignorance of what our logistics operator is going to invoice us. Requesting a simpler rate, asking a salesperson to explain it to us in detail or reviewing it every time it is updated are ‘hygienic’ measures that companies should not skip.
Play with your rate to send a cheaper pallet
Once we have done the work of understanding our rate, it is time to get the most out of it. For example, Transgesa’s rates for sending pallets through our Palibex network include different types of pallets based on their weight and measurements. Going to a specific case, some of these scales include the same price from 300 to 600 kilos. There are many kilos that you can play with to try to send more merchandise at the same cost.
In the same way, most of our pallets accept that the base of the pallet is European (120×80 cm) or American (120×100 cm) at the same price. Which means more merchandise shipped and less expense per kilo shipped. They may seem like details, but getting used to them and taking advantage of them will mean significant savings at the end of the year.
plan ahead
Getting up early logistically is also one of the most accessible ways to save money. There are companies that regularly resort to shipments within 48 hours, which are cheaper, because their deliveries are not in a hurry. However, others are able to do so with time-sensitive deliveries because they organize to have the shipment ready to leave well in advance.
In a similar vein is the good practice of ascertaining the actual urgency of the shipment. Transport companies often found that the sender and recipient had different perceptions of the rush of the shipment. To the point that supposedly very urgent deliveries could not be made because the recipient was not even waiting for the merchandise at the agreed place.
Get Familiar with Cubicage
Have you ever played the game of what weighs more, a kilo of iron or a kilo of straw? Well, something similar happens in logistics. It is not the same to send a pallet with a certain weight and size than to send another of the same weight but with larger dimensions. This is because 100 kilos of some materials can take up much more space than 100 kilos of other products.
To solve these cases of merchandise that is more bulky than heavy, the concept of cubic capacity is used. The number of cubic meters that a shipment occupies is calculated and a conversion factor is applied (for example, 250 kilos per cubic meter); that is, how many kilos will be considered that the shipment has, even if they do not correspond to the actual kilos. This is known as the volumetric kilograms.
Let’s see it with an example. We have a pallet with a base of 120×80 cm and a height of 200 cm with a weight of 150 kilos. To calculate the cubic capacity, we multiply the meters on each side: 1.2 x 0.8 x 2= 1.92 cubic meters. If our logistics operator has established a cubic capacity of 333 kg/m³, the weight that will be invoiced to us will be 1.92 x 333 = 639.36 kilos. Far from the 150 kilos that our merchandise weighed.
This concept is especially common in the world of parcels, in maritime and air transits. As we have seen, the difference can be big, so knowing it and managing it can avoid unwanted scares on your bill.
Having well controlled these four aspects, you will be able to start noticing savings and you will be able to send a cheaper pallet without affecting the quality of service.